PADI MSDT course on Bali: Learn how to teach the most popular PADI Specialties

Keen to continue your dive adventure and learn to teach PADI dive specialties? Joe’s Gone Diving Bali offers you a variety of dive specialties to choose from. You can opt for just taking one PADI specialty or go for our package of 5 dive specialties to prepare you for your Master Scuba Diver Trainer rating. Being able to teach dive specialties will make your dive career more interesting and will make you more interesting for potential employers. We have selected the most popular courses for your PADI MSDT course on Bali.

By taking one or more PADI Specialty Instructor courses with your Course Director you will not only learn the requirements for teaching each course, but also how to teach a safe, professional and fun course.

MSDT Sidemount Course Open Water Dive
PADI MSDT Course Description
Learn how to teach the most popular PADI Specialties

Who can join

To enroll into any of the PADI Specialty Instructor courses you will need to be a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor. For the PADI Enriched Air Instructor Specialty course you will also need to be an enriched air (nitrox) diver. Not nitrox certified? No problem, you can become certified in half a day.

Course overview PADI MSDT course on Bali

At Joe’s you can choose from a wide range of PADI specialties, allowing you to opt for the specialties you enjoy most. Choose from Enriched Air (Nitrox), Wreck Diver, Deep Diver, Night diver, Digital Underwater Photography, Search and Recovery, Underwater Naturalist, Fish ID, Drift Diver, AWARE Shark Conservation or take all of them. Learn the requirements, practice the most important skills for each of the specialties and get tips & tricks on how to teach them in a fun and safe way.

Learn how to teach 5 specialties in 3 days in our PADI MSDT course on Bali

For our 3-day MSDT-prep program we selected the specialties that are most in demand. The most taught PADI Specialty is without a doubt enriched air (or nitrox). With this non-diving specialty course you learn how to teach divers to become safe enriched air divers. The other 4 specialties that are part our MSDT-prep program can be any of the following: wreck diving, deep diving, night diving, search and recovery, Fish ID, Dive against debris, O2 provider, drift, adaptive techniques, delayed surface marker buoy, equipment specialist, and/or sidemount.


Learn to teach the special techniques needed for exploring wrecks. With the famous USAT Liberty from WWII on our doorstep in Bali, the PADI Wreck Diver Specialty is one of the specialties that cannot be missed on your wish list. Or how about learning how to get divers excited about diving deep, at night or shark conservation and teach them the dive skills needed to make the most out of their dive experiences. With the exception of the nitrox specialty, all specialties involve diving on the beautiful Bali dive sites. So plenty of options to choose from to make your dive career even more exciting.

With these 5 specialties in your pocket, you can apply for the Master Scuba Diver Trainer status (MSDT) once you have certified 25 divers. An overnight stay in Tulamben is included, so you will have the chance to see the USAT Liberty from WWII at its best during night and day! Joe’s Gone Diving offers this program just after the PADI IDC so you can continue straight away if you like. Not enough time? Just contact us to take the courses another time.

Excited to become a PADI Specialty Dive Instructor? Contact us and book your single course or your MSDT prep course on Bali straight away.

PADI Instructor Specialty Wreck Diving on Bali

What’s included in the MSDT Prep

Course price includes: 5 PADI Instructor Specialty courses, Course Director, transport, lunch & snacks, coffee, tea and water, towels, park and porter fees and taxes.

The PADI application fee for each PADI Specialty Instructor certification is $122AUD. This is payable by the candidate.

Book Now !

All Prices, Terms & Conditions can change without further notice.

For dive trips only – a minimum of two divers.

label_en ROUND(price_usd * (SELECT exchange_rate FROM jgd_exchangerate WHERE exchange_rate_id = '1') / 10000) * 10000
MSDT 10,530,000
label_en price_usd
MSDT 650
label_en price_usd * (SELECT exchange_rate FROM jgd_exchangerate WHERE exchange_rate_id = '2')
MSDT 585.00

Please note all payments within Indonesia will have to be charged in Indonesian Rupiahs. Therefore the USD and EUR prices are just as an indication. NB. Prices can change without further notice. Our terms and conditions can be found here.

If you have any questions, please contact us directly at


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